Sunday, May 7, 2017

Biography Writing

Image result for biography

You will be writing a biography on a famous/ known Cuban personality. Aligned to our Multicultural country, your biography MUST be about a Cuban known person. As you have learned a biography highlights the most important contributions from a person's life and is written in 3rd person. In order to write this biography you will have to do a lot of research. Below are some ideas for your biography. Choose one that you like so that you can research it. 

What is a biography?
Image result for biography definition

Ideas for your research: 

Image result for famous cubans Image result for celia cruz
Image result for pitbull singerImage result for danell leyra

Related image Image result for orlando hernandez

Image result for lili estefanImage result for yoenis cespedes

Celia Cruz:Related image


Image result for books on celia cruz Related imageImage result for books on celia cruz

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